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If life feels like something you have to suffer through, rather than a gift to be enjoyed, then it might be time for a wellness reset.
Our wellness programs are designed to get your mental, emotional and physical well-being back on track.
With over 25 years of experience, Zenkai's programs are based on clinical research and combine Natural Therapies with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Kinesiology to return your body and mind to a complete state of health.
All programs available at Zenkai use practitioner-only products developed by internationally recognised natural medicine research and manufacturing company MetagenicsTM, which prides itself in delivering exciting, innovative, consistently effective clinical results and the highest quality products.
Zenkai’s Metagenics, Naturobest and other 'practitioner only' supplements are stronger and clinically more effective than those available in health food stores or supermarkets. Each unique program targets a key wellness aim and delivers supplements, dietary, and lifestyle advice to improve and optimise your health.

Do you wish you felt calmer, more positive and in control?
Stress can impact your mood, sleep, energy levels, digestive system, cardiovascular function, and reproductive hormones.
We can’t avoid stress – it’s just part of life. But we CAN shift its role in our life around by reducing its impact on body and mind.
Have you lost your mojo? Does everyday life feel much harder than it should be? If you just.don’ to do simple things, fatigue has got you in its grips!
Fatigue can be tricky to untangle, with causes ranging from poor diet and sleep through to hormonal imbalances or other physiological issues.
Let’s get to the bottom of why you are so tired all the time – and get your mojo back!

Getting your health back on track takes guts – and your guts could be just the place to start! If you suffer from abdominal complaints, a detox program could be just what you need to restore digestive balance.
Plus, as the overall ‘seat of health’ in your body, your gut could be the key to managing other symptoms such as low energy, low mood and weight gain. So beat the bloat and get that fabulous gut flora back into balance!
Do you want to feel happy and comfortable in your body, but don’t know where to start?
Taming weight gain for good isn’t as simple as ‘calories in v. calories out’. For long-term results, you need a holistic approach that combines the right dietary program with ongoing support and accountability.
Our weight loss program is just that – and we’ll guide you every step of the way to keep you on track.

Our bodies are wonderful things – but sometimes they get a bit confused and react in an abnormal way to our diet or environment. If you suffer from chronic headaches, sinus congestion, bowel discomfort or skin rashes, this could be happening to you.
Our individual programs of herbs and supplements are designed to reduce allergic reactivity. So let’s get to the bottom of what is causing your symptoms, and stop them from interfering with your life!
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